
dear universe,

Gendis diam di atas motor yang ia parkir sembarangan, menghadap langit yang setengah oranye, setengah ungu magenta. ia duduk nyaman dengan buku tulis yang ia bawa dan tas kain lusuh yang ia jadikan alas untuk tangannya. Gendis mungkin satu-satunya manusia muda yang ada di tempat -entah dimana- selain hanya rerumputan tinggi liar di sekitarnya. Sinar mentari sore yang menghibur Gendis, membuatnya tak kesepian di tempat itu. Ia terlalu asyik menulis.

Gendis membuat surat untuk semesta. Ia tahu sekarang imajinasinya akan berlabuh kemana. Ia tak perlu membuat perahu kertas untuk dilayarkannya ke pinggiran sungai. Tak perlu juga ia terbangkan kapal kertas untuk mencoba menggapai awan siang. Ia menulis surat untuk semesta, dan direncanakannya untuk di simpan saja di udara.

Dear universe,

Banyak hal yang tak kumengerti dalam hidup ini. Banyak hal yang kucoba pahami dan menunggu apa yang akan terjadi. Namun, yang kudapat hanyalah bimbang, sedih, dan terus ketakutan. Semua yang kurasakan, harus kuatasi sendirian. Aku bukan tak mau berbagi dengan para sahabatku, tetapi mungkin sesuatu ini tak akan mereka pahami. Atau, mungkin hanya aku saja yang pesimis akan mendapatkan jawaban yang tak ingin kudengar dan mencibir di dalam hati, betapa sok tahu nya mereka. betapa bangganya mereka dengan perasaan realistis yang mereka punya, padahal dalam hati aku yakin mereka masih bertanya-tanya.

dear universe,

aku akui bahwa aku manusia egois, yang ingin diakui, aku seorang perempuan yang ingin merasa disayang, dan diingat siapapun yang aku pikirkan. Aku mencintai teman-temanku, aku menganggap mereka bagian terpenting dalam tumbuh kembangku. Aku berterima kasih kepada mereka yang secara tak langsung membentuk diriku, mengajariku banyak hal mengenai berbagai perlakuan. Aku sangat sayang kepada semuanya - tanpa kecuali - jika saja kata spesial tidka tertuju pada satu - aku mau memeluk mereka semua.

tapi universe, kadang ada saja temanmu yang mengecewakanmu. Ia melakukan hal di luar dugaanmu. Ia tidak terlihat mampu menyayangimu. Atau universe, apakah salahku dulu yang membuatnya menjadi begitu? Aku tak tahu, tapi aku akui aku menyalahkan diriku. Ia tak ingat padaku, universe. Ia tak ingat hari pentingku.

dear universe,

Aku berfikir ulang untuk menangisi itu. Di samping dalam hitungan tahun aku akan menjadi istri seseorang, aku adalah manusia dewasa yang harus lebih bijak memandang semua kesedihan. Aku hanya mampu menghela dan bersyukur, setidaknya alam yang kau punya, Tuhan yang Maha Baik yang selalu melindungiku, harus lebih membuatku bahagia. Hal sederhana tak pernah terlihat sepele.

Aku seorang perempuan, aku sangat peka bahkan kepada kapas yang menyentuh kulitku.

dear universe,

ternyata aku hanya perlu melihat hamparan sawah yang super luas, birunya laut yang membentang, dan bintang-bintang yang berantakan untuk membuatku bisa bernafas lega. Aku bisa melepaskan asa yang begituuuuuu beratnya. Aku sangat bersyukur, universe. Kesederhanaanlah yang buatku bahagia.

dear universe,

tolong beritahu siapapun itu, aku tak pernah merasa salah memiliki khayal yang banyak, imajinasi yang kuat, dan dambaan tentang apapun yang kurasakan. entah itu mengenai lelaki, atau apapun yang membuat seakan-akan menjadi kewajiban berarti di dunia ini. Aku tak pernah merasa salah menanti seseorang yang aku percaya ketika datangnya waktu, kita akan bertemu dalam kisah romansa. Aku percaya all my bucket list ku tercapai semua, aku percaya, bukan usia tua atau muda yang membuatmu terlihat dewasa. Aku ya aku, ingat itu saja. Jangan coba nasihati aku, bila siapapun yang merasa, belum membuktikan apapun yang dia ingin dalam hidupnya.



siapa aku ini?

"Tuhan tak pernah ciptakan sesuatu tanpa alasan, bahkan momen, bahkan suatu perasaan."

Hei, sudah lamakah kamu di sana? Bahagiakah kamu menjalani hidupmu yang bahkan tak bisa kulihat kini. Sedang apa kamu, sedang bersama siapakah dirimu, tertawakah, menangiskah, tidurkah, atau lainnya. Oh ya, pernahkah kamu sekali saja, sekali saja, ya, sekali saja, memimpikan aku? Pernahkah kamu membagi sedikit jatah peran kepadaku?

Kurasa tidak.

Ha-ha, mungkin kamu kenal denganku saja hanya sekilas, namaku samar tertutup memori dengan orang-orang yang jauh lebih sering kau panggil-panggil namanya setiap hari? Lagipula siapa aku ini?

Ha-ha, bisa saja aku hanya perempuan yang melintas di depanmu, namun kamu lupakan, tak pernah kamu hiraukan. Aku hanya puing bekas yang mungkin berguna bagi sebagian orang. Iya, kan? Hah, lagipula siapa aku ini?

Ha-ha, mungkin aku hanyalah orang yang akan mengganggu pikiranmu, yang membuat sibuk degup hatimu. Kamu sudah lebh dulu takut karena khawatir aku akan merepotkanmu. Aku kan hanya ingin menyapamu, tapi maaf saja persiapanku terlihat lebih heboh kala itu. Kamu tidak mengerti kan? Iya, kan? Hah, tidak penting juga buatmu. Lagipula siapa aku ini?

Siapa aku ini?
Siapa aku ini?

Siapa aku ini, yang selalu menyebut namamu di setiap doaku. Perempuan yang selalu tersenyum setiap pagi dan berdoa semoga bisa bertemu kamu hari ini. Siapa aku ini, yang melihat rupamu dari belakang aku sudah gugup setengah mati. Perempuan yang mampu membuat puisi-puisi hanya karena satu nama yang begitu berarti.
Siapa aku ini, yang selalu berjuang setengah mati agar dapat menjadi perempuan hebat yang memiliki harga diri tinggi. Agar sedikit saja, kamu mau melirik kemari dan membuatmu sedikit saja bangga, orang yang begitu mendambakanmu ini, tidak pernah main-main. tidak pernah main-main.

Kamu adalah hujan, kamu adalah api, kamu adalah angin.Kamu bintang yang selalu muncul di depanku setiap malam. Kamu pikiran yang selalu membuatku yakin akan keajaiban. Kamu adalah sejuta alasan mengapa aku menjadi sekarang.

Tuhan, adakah alasan mengapa ia tetap bersarang di hatiku selama ini? Mengapa tak Kau berikan saja cinta yang lebih kasat kulihat, lebih dekat kugapai, lebih tenang kudengar? Mengapa aku harus menangis karena orang yang bahkan tak menganggapku ada?

Kamu, selamat malam dan sampai jumpa.
Aku yakin kita akan kembali bersua.


untuk yang beberapa, untuk yang lainnya

ada beberapa di antara mereka, yang mudah mendapatkan jiwa
ada sisanya, begitu sulit menemukannya
ada yang berpikir, mungkin mudah menjadi sepasang yang pertama
dan sulitnya menjadi tokoh yang disebutkan kedua

bahagialah wahai yang menemukan cinta dengan mulusnya
bahagialah pula wahai engkau, yang meraung-raung berdoa meminta pula
sebab, Tuhan memberi porsi yang sama
tak akan seru buatNya, dunia jika semua bernasib serupa


photo by Beige Photography 
words by das.


Rindu yang tak terdefinisikan

Jalanan sore hari yang sepi adalah saat favorit Gendis. Ia bisa bebas tertawa pada daun-daun yang bergerak menyapanya, menengadah ke atas awan yang berkerling genit ke arahnya. Gendis pun bebas berkomentar pada kucing yang merebah malas di halaman rumah seberang jalan yang ditapakinya. Gendis merasa sangat bebas menarik nafas super kencang dan menghelakannya lebih-lebih lagi. Dalam langkah yang dibuat lambat, Gendis pun berhenti sejenak dan memejamkan matanya.

Tahukah kamu apa yang sedang Gendis pikirkan?

Gendis merindukan sahabatnya. Gendis merindukan candaan yang mampu membuatnya tertawa, tetapi hanya dari mulut sahabatnya. Sahabat yang ia rindukan. Sahabat yang ia sayang.

"Andai saja sejak dulu kamu menyadarkan ada apa dengan kita. Andai saja kamu mematahkan teoriku tentang kemurnian pertemanan pria dan wanita dari semula. Aku yakin rindu ini tak akan pernah ada."

Tahukah kamu apa yang sedang Gendis sesalkan?

Gendis tidak menerima betapa pasrahnya hati sahabatnya, dan juga dirinya, ketika sama-sama tidak mau berusaha. Ketika mereka berdua hanya menyimpan semua kata untuk menuju perubahan yang bahkan tak terpikirkan, jauh... jauh sebelumnya. Gendis menyesal mengapa ia begitu percaya, mereka tak akan pernah kemana-mana.

"Halo Awan yang budiman, aku tahu kamu akan pergi menuju ia yang kurindukan. Tolong beritahu aku ya, ia sedang senang-senang saja. Tidak tersiksa dengan rindu yang tak terdefinisikan seperti yang aku punya. Kalau iya jawabnya, beri aku pertanda.

"Jangan hujan."



Kamu tahu tidak? Kamu tampan.

Ah, kamu tidak tahu. Kamu tidak pernah menganggapku berbeda. Kamu bahkan tidak pernah sadar apa arti lirikan mata yang selalu berhasil memandangi berbagai ekspresi yang kamu buat setiap hari. Kamu tidak pernah tahu sih, kamu itu menyebalkan. Kamu tidak pernah mengerti apa maksud candaanku setiap hari.

Kamu tidak peka. Kamu tidak peduli.
Kamu tidak bisa kumengerti.

photo by das.
model : dea


dreamy taste

Menjadi penikmat khayalan bukanlah hal buruk. Paling tidak jika khayalan itu membuat hidupmu lebih terasa menyenangkan. Paling tidak jika khayalan itu mengaktifkan segala imajinasi yang akan kau aplikasikan menjadi karya-karyamu yang luar biasa. Khayalan adalah tempat paling indah untuk kau tapaki. Di sana kau akan menemukan pangeran berkudamu, balas menyakiti orang yang jahat padamu, menikmati semua fasilitas idamanmu di semua dimensi yang kau ingini. Khayalan dan realita, dua paradoks yang sama-sama harus kita nikmati. Bukan begitu? Kalau tidak setuju, coba beritahu aku.

Imajinasi, mimpi, aku dekat dengan mereka semua. Aku tahu, ada saja temanku yang di dalam hatinya menertawai aku. Ia menertawai kisahku menunggu takdir yang akan mempertemukanku dengan cita-cita. Konteksnya, benar, cita-cita menemukan cinta.

Aku tak peduli kalau sampai ada yang terang-terangan menunjukku sambil tertawa. Aku tetap akan berlari dalam imajinasi dan membalas semuanya. Aku tetaplah aku, semua orang mungkin tahu tentang aku, tapi tak ada satupun yang benar-benar tahu siapa aku.

Satu hal yang melancarkan daya khayalku adalah musik. Ia adalah pelumas yang memberikan ide luar biasa pada imajinasi yang kubangun berurutan hingga level yang sangat panjang. Di antara banyak musik yang kudengar, ada beberapa yang kutemukan dan rasanya tidak buruk membagikan kepada kamu dan ia, atau siapa saja yang membaca. Mungkin jika sedang didengarkan, kamu akan mengerti bagaimana cara imajinasiku bekerja.

p.s : namun, jangan terbuai dalam waktu yang kebanyakan. Untuk membuat imajinasi ini lebih indah lagi, yang kamu harus lakukan, bangun, dan jejalkan imaji ini pada mulut yang sibuk mencela. Agar mereka diam, dan hanya matanya yang terpana


My new project - Identity

I work for my new clothing line

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Identity, is about a place you will find simple model of warps pashmina. A warp is really simple to wear because you just put in your head after you wear an inner scarf to cover your head and neck. I choose the best quality fabric to make them all because I know, comfortable is a must to wear a hijab, right? :)

I love wearing cute model of hijab. Unfortunately, I can't find the model of hijab I want easily. So that, I made Identity to help you who wants to wear the simplest yet cute hijab like me.

you can see more our products here and please like our page! :)


the picture of me and friends (and a sister) in my grad event

backsound : ♩ ♬ Aku Ingin - Reda & Tatyana (Sapardi Joko Darmono) ♩ ♬

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this is just beginning. I have a car now and I sit into it. now it's up to me where I will go to somewhere I want to with this car, or just let someone else take me to anywhere easily. do I have to visit a place I don't want to but my parents do or vice versa. oh car, sometimes I think you don't make life even easier.

then I choose my own scooter.


what the thing make you feel happiest?

thinking about what happy is, I think about it all the time. I noticed that being 22 is not really easy for godsake. in my 22, I just felt how scary the future will be, when I will die or something, why life is not fair for some people around me. it kills me whenever I think about it, for real. In the past, I really enjoyed everything in my life. I was so easy to control my mind and made them think positively every time. but now, I have to try how to be a positive thinker harder, really hard. my self likes to denial something I can't even handle it and it feels so wrong, oh God. how I'm supposed to do?
so I made points what the things that make me happy.
  1. when I woke up in the morning, my mom just asked me to have breakfast faster, like I am in hurry for school, but I am not
  2. my dad kissed me when I came home
  3. I hugged my young brother, daffa, and he hugged me back even tighter
  4. staring my photo with joe coffin (joe spurgeon) from the horrors, like forever
  5. singing loudly when I rode my motorcycle
  6. sleepover with my dearest bestfriends
  7. and they gave me an ice cream because they just want to
  8. watching nodame cantabile series from the start till the end
  9. watching running man show when I am eating
  10. being teased by ijal when I have nothing to do. yea I admit it
  11. got messages from other friends outside Indonesia. more happy if they say they coming here
  12. lost my weight without even realizing
  13. a friend or more coming to my house spontaneously
  14. got news I've been accepted in somewhere I applied for a job
  15. got news that I won something, like lomo camera and concert tickets
  16. reading magazines I haven't had yet and got a big discount for buying old import magazines
  17. buy flowers
  18. listening vampire weekend albums
  19. buy new pair of shoes
  20. sleeping under blanket
  21. laughing together with dede, even it's not really funny at all
  22. surrounded by my bogor-unpad boys friend because they always make me laugh and they really care about me
  23. drinking home made hot chocolate
  24. seeing my neighbours smiling at me at the far
  25. dancing korean songs
  26. and so many more.

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so, what the thing make you feel happiest?


love him even more

still, I was getting coffin joe fever and I'm enjoying it soooooo much! nya nya nya
I am so booooored at home. don't know what to do. being jobless like I have nothing to do at home. sebenernya sih ada, itu revisian skripsi yang mana belum disentuh sama sekali. aku males banget, kak! remember my skripsi, I felt like I could do better for that. remember about my GPA, ohh so poor me! even it's not bad at all, I thought I dissapointed my parents for just giving them my 'pas-pasan' grade, and I know that I dissapointed my lecture too. she said I could make it even better because she thinks I am smart enough to make a high achievement in academic arena. yea, I know. that's made me stress at that time. I feel so bego, you know, be-go. I miss the moment when I was in 2 grade elementary, I always had been heard about how diligent and clever I am by my parents and teachers. but now just sucks.

forget about that. eventhough I feel more stupid than I was a kid, I (which means the adult version of me) have a plus side. I become bolder who know how to speak up about a thing. for example, this morning I just did that. hm, maybe not a big deal for you, but I told somebody who made me mad because she didn't treat me well. she asked me to wait and I just sat in front of her, hope to be called and finish my business sooner. but she just ignored me then went to somewhere out there. I know the time was up, but the way she treated me just make me sick for her. gue tau dia males ngelayanin dan dia pun terlihat ngeh kalo gue nungguin dia. tapi dia ngelongos aja gitu, pergi. tanpa babibu basa-basi. you are totally treat the wrong girl, miss

alhasil gue sebel berat, but I didn't want to go anywhere just to show her I am waiting for her.
but I knew it was impossible. so I just went home and restraint my self in order not to curse her when I rode motorcycle. but mm I was thinking again, I will tell her something. so I left a message for her. a really nice message.

dear miss,
if you don't want to serve your customer because the time is up, just ask her to go home and come back again tomorrow, not ask her to wait without any intention. please treat your customer well.


I know I am the wrong girl here, but I just wanna said that important for your life to respect others. you have to think about people's feeling, not just your own affairs. next monday we gonna meet again, miss. I wanna give you the best smile I've ever had :)


well this is a jobless girl do

when I was in Bandung
when dea just arrived home from Turkey
we met and decided to go somewhere else
had fun with dslr.

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I haven't finished them yet. still gotta make some and make a video of it. owh I love making gif :3

my beloved tina

"............aaaaa dinaaaaa. that's so sweet. Thanks gal, for being there for me. you've always been my bestest friend since forever and always will be. I love u soo much dear friend. even though we're parted by space I just want u to know that you've always been in my heart and constantly inspire me with your confidence and creativity. more hugs and kisses. thanks for wishes! mmuaaaaa :* "

yesterday was tina's bithday. I sent her my wishes through the blackberry messenger. Tina, what you wrote is exactly what I felt to you. I love you forever. happy 23!

I hope we can meet soon to celebrate your birthday and take another pictures of us. haha can't even imagine this photo was soooo old :p

maybe because I am too kind
I wish my friends always have a priority for me too
I thought I never refuse anything they asked
but I noticed I've been refused a lot
now I just got it, never depend your friends too much.
yea I got it

they have their own business
their own way to solve the problems
they have their own thoughts

I know now, it's not easy to get along with them whenever I want to, whenever I need them
we are mature now
we are not the same person we knew since we were kids

so, what's the thing you hate the most in friendship?
not only in friendship thing, I really hate if someone dissapoint me, in any reasons. that someone asked me to do something or make a promise that make me happy for a moment, but then that someone just said 'sorry, not today' or 'sorry I have a thing, maybe later pal'. stuff like that. one or two times, still okay with that. but more than that. I am really tired to hear of thoooose things.

the thing make you happy in friendship? is there any?
so many things of course! I am happy if my friends remember my days, no matter if they only send a message though, I am still happy. a friend who gonna talk anything about his/her feeling for me but say it in a good way. not stabbed at me and stabbed my other friends as well. I am very happy if we can share our 'senseless' dreams together and we dont laugh of it. I am happy if we can spend the day together. see their smiles, laugh for their jokes, scream for their crazy actions. I love when they hug me without saying anything. I'll cry when I hug them and they hug me back even tighter. I am happy we can share our home made food and feeding each other. reading together and quiet without any awkward feeling. I am happy when they call my name when we are still apart. I am happy when I read their message and asking about my condition. I am happy when they told me they remember me when they saw a thing in somewhere.

I've read some tweets from @islamdiaries, they say if I am looking for a best person for being bestest friend, I will never meet her/his. that's right, totally. I am now just have to be more realistic. my friends also have their own life.

The Horrors Live in concert

I went to Jatinangor for get the transcripts and graduated letter and I planned to go and come back to my home in one day. unfortunately I can't make it because my thesis should be revised first. soooo I just got the transcript and decided to stay for a night. while I trying to sleep in gigit's dorm in the evening, I read twitter's timeline and there was a quiz for winning the horrors concert, so I tried with no effort. I just wrote without my intention of winning. but then,

'wow, gonna meet you tomorrow guys!!!' I whispered

the next day, I went to Bandung and met sappy because I gave the other ticket for her. I need accompany, just so you know. so without bring any clothes, I borrowed hers and we prepared for get the tickets in venue. you know what, the venue looked very empty. there was no many people in there like I went to Vampire weekend concert in bengkel night park. after got tickets we were looking for dinner and place for salat then go back to see horrors. hehe I was so happy

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the ticket paper is so good. it made from cartons

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Faris Badwan. his nose like a witch

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Joshua Hayward. he always been called by audiences in front of him but totally ignore them. later I know he got drunk. dasar bule

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Coffin Joe uuuuuk <3

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the stripped shirt is Rhys Webb. I really enjoy the way he played at stage, and a man who played shynthetizer is Tom Cowan.

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this is faris's shoes

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the setlist. I thought the performance was quite short that night.

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this is tom and he was soooo nice to us!

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aaand this is the highlight of the night haha! I really love this guy from now on. though he looks shorter than any members of Horrors, still he is the hottest than others. I love you. I loooove you too much Joe! hahaha

thank you Gigsplay for the present in this february, thank you sappy for accompany me and pictures you've taken secretly. thank you coffin joe for your beautiful blue eyes haha (naon)


so what do you say?

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this was me in graduation day yesterday. Finally I'm oficially a bachelor! I am very happy to see my parents happy :)


backsound : A waltz for a night - Julie Delpy ♪ ♫♪ ♫

One day left to my graduation. ONE DAY LEFT TO MY GRADUATION. agh, if you think I am freaking out, no I am not. I just don't know how to express my undescribable feeling to this thingy. I am happy, of course finally this day comes. I am glad for sure, the preparation goes well. I am sure tomorrow will be fun, totally. see, nothing I am worry for. I just, don't know exactly what I feel today.

when everybody seeks anyone who can be theirs for 'pw' or 'pendamping wisuda', I totally forget about that. maybe I don't think like everbody does, haha. the things I always thinking for, my kebaya, my shoes, my bag, my lomo (am I allowed to bring that or not?) , what kind of flowers that my friends give to me, what pose I have to be in photosession with my family. okay that is not really necessary. sometimes woman always love to think unecessary things that make us happy, right? but being happy is necessary as well. so? ah, please ignore it, just ... hm

after graduation day, I have a lot of things to do. sooo many things. perhaps I just write them on the list.

  • making some money.
  • gotta make a passport
  • buy travelling books for me and dea
  • buy aiplane tickets
  • send cardtopost to kiram and putri fitria. I want to send these to some members as well so, just wait and see :D
  • scanroll my roll films ( 35mm and 120mm )
  • sending my slide to kedah, Malaysia. I'm gonna swap with fendy's
  • picnic with my girls, bringing our own cuisine and gathering in such comfy place in the morning
  • making some writings again.
  • the last, making stopmotion and gif pictures that I and dea made yesterday.
I am happy that I could make some fun projects again. Thank اللّهُ , I love you the most.

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just wait and see. oh my life seems brighter now


because we grown up

whenever I saw a movie on TV, I was thinking, why people in this world just exist now then why the dinosaurus had been gone for this era? I was (still) thinking, why I am here, why I have to be a girl that is still young and why I have to be a daughter who was born first in my family. many questions I asked for my self. I quiet, waiting for the answer though just wind whisper at me.
there's no answer.

you may say, those sentences above are my situation now. I feel really curious about anything these days. I am pessimist, suspicious, being overthinker. it's like I've changed become someone that I never been before. Perhaps I am just not ready to have such a negative side of me, the terrible things that might be happen in my life in the future. being 22 really isn't easy, for me personally. I cried a lot, even for unreasonable thing. my friend said this is normal. the others said that too, and making sure that they are understand about me, though I know they just don't. doesn't matter. we grown up now.

hoewever, this is my new life. I have parents who always expect me to be a better person and make them happy. I have sisters and lil' bro, they must be see me as a good role so I will show you guys how to be a good person for your lovely people and yourself. I'll always try to protect you but I hope the most you can protect yourself in anykind of situation. I have to be more positive because life goes on. you just started your 20 something. dont give up easily.

do not give up easily. do not surrender for nothing.

all photos use Ricoh GX-1 with Fuji superia ISO 200


"when you grow up, what kind of girl will you be. Will you write a book or invent a machine? Will you be an astronaut or will you sail the sea? When you grow up, what kind of person will you be? oh the things you'll be happy." - When you grow up (Priscilla Ahn)
I hate this phase

I cried last night because of loneliness. do you feel that way? I mean, when you think nobody was there for you, even asking how are you doing, it really sucks. I mad. I feel really bad.
since I was a child, my life is full with friends. playing, studying, even for sleeping, I did all of those activities together with anywho. I thought, whoa, this is life everybody means? life that would never be easy. whoa, this is life that everybody 's talking? life that would not be always pretty. Oh, I get it. suddenly, my tears went down. I hate it. I really hate it.

a lot of my friends said that they will always beside me whenever I need them, they will always listen to me, accompany me, and blalala me which are they do it for good. you can say I am selfish, whatever. in fact, those are totally lying. that is just words they can say to make me calm and quiet. I don't even know they do really care but themselves.

is there someone who gonna explain to me? I feel terrible.



guess we won the competitions!

it's been a while I didn't post the photos I made in this blog. well, honestly I have a slightly boredom in blogspot and sometimes I don't know what I supposed to write. stuff like that. I have such a complicated things that I have to deal it with my self. but never mind, I'm still me who really loves do something randomly. ooh whatever

on the other hand, I have a good news that makes me really happy this month. I won La Sardina special Seoul edition! congratz me! it was my first time join international lomo competition and I saw my photo has been there with the other great lomo photos. oh my god, that's very awesome!

these are exactly my photos which are not from lomo or plastic camera. I took them with ricoh, he is kiram's and I am so grateful I have him eventhough it's just temporary.
the fact is, I and argita are really prepare this for winning trip to seoul because we wanna have a great holiday freely. so making the props in the late nights, brainstorming the ideas, and try to upload all of these in the low speed of connection. no wonder I am so happy to read the announcement. being runner up is not bad at all. thus, you know what, argita won this in the next stage. so I and her have La sardina per each. what an awesome competition hahaha

this is argita's photo which won the competition in S-E-O-U-L stage. whereas I won in seoul kitchen stage. wuhuuu, we are happy friends! haha


keheningan macam apa ini? semua mengaung memberikan bunyi di sekitarmu. namun kamu merasa semuanya tak cukup untuk menghiburmu. mau kamu apa jika begitu? kamu bukanlah yang terpenting di dunia untuk dipenuhi segala keinginannya. kecuali jika kamu ratu yang telah mengabulkan segala macam permintaan.

dengan ketergantungan tak boleh sendirian, akankah kamu sembuh jika ada realitas yang berbalik meninggalkanmu tiba-tiba? walau -katanya- kau bisa menahan sakit sendirian. kamu kan manusia biasa. jadi belajarlah untuk dewasa. karena ke depan, hari-hari yang terus berjalan akan memberimu banyak kejutan lebih dari yang kamu duga.

aku tahu, kamu rindu akan masa dahulu. menurutmu menjadi anak kecil jauh lebih menyenangkan. tentu saja karena kau benar melihat gunung itu hijau dan langit itu jingga jika senja tiba. tapi sekarang kan kamu sudah besar, kamu sudah cukup mengerti bahwa tidak selamanya hujan itu mendamaikan. kamu cukup mengerti bahwa tidak selamanya bintang itu terang. saatnya kamu menjaga hati, agar bisa kau topang segera jika mungkin ada yang menyenggolnya dengan sengaja.

aku tahu kamu ingin merasakan keringanan hati kembali. tapi kamu harus tahu bahwa itu pun tidak tiba-tiba ada. seperti koran yang ayah nikmati dengan kopi di pagi hari. harus ada loper yang dengan kantuk mengantarkannya, dan juga ibu yang lebih pagi menyeduh kopinya. kau hanya membutuhkan orang lain yang mungkin akan mengerti hal yang kau inginkan. tenang saja, walau mungkin lambat ia akan datang, paling tidak, biarkan proses itu berjalan perlahan. agar kau tahu kelak, bahagia itu perlu usaha.

aku tahu, kamu rindu sebagian dari dirimu. aku tahu ia hilang berjalan-jalan, dan belum kembali karena tertahan energi yang tidak pernah kau sukai seumur hidupmu. aku tahu, kamu begitu mencemaskan dunia, dan kamu pun tidak tahu harus beralasan apa. kamu selalu berharap, sebagian itu dapat kembali cepat. kenaifan yang menyejukkan. hilang. ah sungguh menyedihkan.
